It has been thirteen weeks since I gave up drinking Pepsi Max is pretty large quantities. For the first couple of months, I was pretty good and drank maybe two glasses and perhaps another ten since. I can live with this, since I am down from three or more litres each day.
Not that I especially cared, but my liver function was persistenly not good, so I thought it was worth a try. I had another blood test about a week agom, but I don’t see my doctor for another couple of days so I don’t yet know if it has made a difference.
I’ve tried drinking kumbucha, which is okay but I don’t love. And iced-teas, which I like but doesn’t hit the spot the same way as a Pepsi Max. And fruit tea, which is good in theory but didn’t really hit the spot for me either. Not that this was about me exploring the world of commerical beverages.