Good Classes

As a teacher, a few things make a high difference to how your year goes that you have no control over. The first is school leadership. This is something that is incredibly obvious but you would be amazed how infrequently problems at this level are addressed.

But I am very fortunate about this as the leadership at my school are ethical, capable and decent.

The other thing that can really sink you is having too many disruptive students in one or more classes. You can use all of your magic and sometimes you will have some wins. They are very satisfying.

But - all things being equal - I'd rather just have classes with engaged and considerate students, and this year I have just that. And I'm very grateful for this state of affairs.

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To Cut Corners or Not

I have a paid subscription for Claude AI and Cursor (which uses Claude under the hood) and it struck me that perhaps I could pay once - perhaps for the API - to get the same experience or something similar.

So I phaffed around with various extensions on VS Code, but it was all a significantly inferior experience to Cursor, so I'll stick with both.

I get a lot of use out of both of them, and I'm prepared to pay a reasonable price for a good experience.

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A little bit of connection can go a long way

My three siblings and I have a group chat on WhatsApp and I am grateful for that. We are not close, but I enjoy the interactions.

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Double-edged Sword, Damn It

I am not the first to observe this, I am sure. But I am sightly more on edge after a coffee, and slightly less myself.

Which is annoying, because I do like the kick from a caffeine.

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